Worth updating rockers, pushrods, rollers during stud job?


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Oct 20, 2011
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Well I wish I had seen that before I spent $400 on new rockers..

I guess with 200k is worth updating mine anyway right. ?

And the push rods I got I think are the 6.4 ones. 8C3Z6565B they have a copper colored end on one side. (I guess that side goes into the rocker?
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New member
Nov 9, 2013
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How early are you taking for the ported rockers to wear out?

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

We see them with all sorts of various stages of wear…its really kinda the inconsistency of the way they wear that is concerning. Some heads will have 14-15 rockers that are fine, and 1 or 2 that's smoked…others will have all 16 in various stages of wear….it's hard to say why some wear out sporadically. Most cores we see have over 100k or so, so that's a factor too. We have seen low mileages motors that looked great except for 1 or 2 rockers, and/or 1 or 2 valve guide. It's the inconsistancy of how they wear that I don't like about the valve train in these motors…6.0 and 6.4.

But, that's the only rocker you can buy now from ford to my knowledge, I dont think they offer the 6.0 style any more. Unfortunately theres not a lot of options…except the $2500 dollar harland sharps :shocked:.


New member
Nov 9, 2013
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How do I check to see if my stock rockers are worn?

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

I'll see if I can take some pics, but basically the pivot that rides on the bridge between the valves wears out... It is supposed to have some motion to it, to allow the tip of the rocker to glide through its sweep/arc but they wear and that play becomes VERY excessive. We've taken motors apart that the pivot literally fell out of the rocker arm... Its a wonder it was still running lol.

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