The reason that people mix with Redline is because it is not designed for long service intervals. It does not have the properties needed to keep parts clean. Great lubricity, but not great long term. Race oils and most full PAO synthetics are like that for a few reasons. Race applications have no need for long service intervals. And second, PAO's need additive carriers like group 3's or group 2's and esters to help with seal compatibility. No need for that in race applications. When you mix, you are making your own additive carrier. However, the math is not difficult, if you are mixing 2 to 1, then you are just getting the one part additive then the full add pack from a lubricant designed for the application. I am not saying its harmful, it just seems wasteful in a way. Those race lubricants are great for their application, but 99.99999% of our trucks are not that application. And your PM is shortened to gain the full benefits from the race oil.