Forgot a word in last post. ^^ Yeah dual shocks arent going to happen. Up in the air with a 4link or shocks or which to do first of the two.
Don't do twin shocks. That's a bandaid for poor valving.
The price difference between the 2.0 and 5100 is minimal.
Shocks will give you the better ride. The 4 link is not going to make anything feel smoother or more controlled with worn out shocks still on the vehicle.
I have it posted in another shock thread on here,
Good rule of thumb
5100-5160-2.0-2.0 resi
The bilsteins are valves with more rebound and it does cause the shock to be a bit stiffer when the truck has no weight in it. That being said, they are still a good shock for the price. It all comes down to ride preference.