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  1. Wizbangdoodle

    Overheating and Fan Not Running

    It's not that bad if you can lift the cab. Sent from a cloud of black.
  2. Wizbangdoodle

    Overheating and Fan Not Running

    When I towed with my '08, the clutch fan would lock up at 224* and stay on until it was about 210* or lower. I'd guess your clutch is acting up. Sent from a cloud of black.
  3. Wizbangdoodle

    Driveline vibrations

    If the runout on the shaft is .002 while on their lathe, then you've got to have something else wrong. I'd suspect it's not mounting up correctly to the yoke or the yoke itself. That's very strange.
  4. Wizbangdoodle

    Driveline vibrations

    When I had my 6.4,I had a pinion seal leak. I spoke to a Ford tech about the crush sleeve and he said you can just tighten it down and it should be fine. Once I started, I found that the yoke nut was a bit loose. Replaced the seal, tightened it all down and had no trouble to the day I traded it...
  5. Wizbangdoodle

    New 5'er

    We've got a 2017 Momentum 350m. Best RV company I have ever dealt with.
  6. Wizbangdoodle

    2017 F-450 on order

    Loving my F450 Platinum. Tows like a dream. Adaptive cruise is very nice. Couldn't be happier.
  7. Wizbangdoodle

    Upcoming Head Gasket replacement

    What you're performing is a leakdown test. There are specs for how much pressure it should hold for how long. If it is leaking that much, I'd say it's a bad valve job. Those should seat from day 1.
  8. Wizbangdoodle

    Anyone used the aluminum radiator off of eBay

    I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for. There's a reason it's half the cost. Personally, I'd stay away.
  9. Wizbangdoodle

    work shop manual

    I've got one, but I won't be able to get to it until tonight.
  10. Wizbangdoodle

    A question of value

    You got that right. Dealerships are looking out for #1 only. And I hope the mechanic knew what he was doing because it was me. ;) I have a hard time letting anyone else touch my stuff. I wanted to make sure it was done right.
  11. Wizbangdoodle

    A question of value

    Sorry, should have included that. It's a Lariat.
  12. Wizbangdoodle

    A question of value

    The wife and I want a new truck. She is stuck on getting a Platinum. I'm not so sure. The real question is, what is the value of my trade-in versus selling privately. Dealership says $14-15k trade-in. They have no idea what has been done to it. So, based on the items listed below, what would...
  13. Wizbangdoodle

    Excessive smoke on cold start

    Normal. Do you have a block heater? Plug that in and I'll bet your problem goes away.
  14. Wizbangdoodle

    2008 6.4 boost issue

    That's your vgt actuator. There should be a nut or a bolt that holds that on.
  15. Wizbangdoodle

    Favorite 6.4 Pouring oil...HELP Please

    There's got to be a relay that controls that. I'm on the road, so can't help with schematics.
  16. Wizbangdoodle

    Favorite 6.4 Pouring oil...HELP Please

    I'd start with fuses and move to my connectors that I disconnected during the turbo work. From there, look for a connector that may have gotten pulled apart inadvertently from the work you just did. Hope this helps.
  17. Wizbangdoodle

    Favorite 6.4 Pouring oil...HELP Please

    Like the fan motor isn't working?
  18. Wizbangdoodle


    I use Archoil, but I am on a virtually new motor (about 12k). Decided to make sure I did everything I could to keep injectors from failing. So far so good, but I have nothing to reference it against.
  19. Wizbangdoodle

    BD intercooler

    Buddy of mine has one and really likes it. I'll be getting one soon.
  20. Wizbangdoodle

    Driveline vibrations

    I'm no driveline expert, but I would think no matter the angle, if you are getting movement of the pinion (up and down), you'd want to eliminate that. Traction bars seem to be the answer. If I were you, I'd put a GoPro type camera under there and get some idea of what's happening under there...

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