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  1. Marty

    Studs for exhaust manifolds?

    Thought about it. I just use stainless m10 x 1.5 x 60 bolts with lock washers. I had them in an engine for three years. Came out with a 3/8" ratchet in cab. Couldn't be happier with that.
  2. Marty

    walboro pumps??

    Look up regulated return.... that's where you need to start.
  3. Marty

    yup another ADII question....

    Sump with an NPT and only 3 fittings between it and the pump...... hmmmm if it's sucking air... the installer did a major fail, and there should be a leak. I don't think that's the problem.
  4. Marty

    Oil Cooler Time

    Take front bracket off and move it out of the way.
  5. Marty

    Oil Cooler Time

    Yes and make sure you clean the mating surfaces on the block, only use ford OEM gaskets not international and do not overtorque the front bolts or you can crack the front cover.
  6. Marty

    yup another ADII question....

    A regulated return might help if the pump isn't faulty. I don't run the ad2s for their regulated setup or reliability.
  7. Marty

    ok so aeromotive build

    Also for everybody else's information, the 5/8" pickup tube that you install in the tank to feed these setups from most vendors is actually 1/2" inside diameter. The tubing that is commonly referred to as the 5/8" pickup tube is an OD measurement. All pushloc and hydraulic hoses are measured...
  8. Marty

    ok so aeromotive build

    The sump is 1/2" npt therefore it is adequate considering it is the same ID as a 5/8" line. If you need some education on this you can call myself or any of the other vendors that sell custom fuel kits if you decide. Fwiw, a regulated return is not required but is a good idea for many reasons.
  9. Marty

    walboro pumps??

    Run a regulated return and monitor fuel pressure. Its not wasting money and removes the greatest pressure drop from in front of the injectors to after them.
  10. Marty

    Swamps Turbos

  11. Marty

    Max HP on stock head bolts?

    ****Cracks fingers before typing....***** Pushrods are not a must. Basing a HP rating @ a specific psi is leaving out half of the equasion. I've made 550 HP at 35 psi, I've also made it at 55 psi. The answer to the question you're trying to ask is yes, you should do studs, springs and...
  12. Marty

    Yet another problem with the truck.

    Let me know if you need a flexplate if you can't find one locally.
  13. Marty

    Yet another problem with the truck.

    Did the front cover crack from using the wrong hpop gasket? And I can't tell from the videos but its easy to see the cracks in the plate when you seperate the trans from the engine.
  14. Marty parts to use?

    On trucks that use big injectors, stock style pumps do not keep up, regardless of the port size in the head. For example, a single walbro do as good as dual stock pumps. But dropping to 15 psi of fuel pressure at WOT is not what I'd call adequate. Changing nothing, but going from a Walbro to an...
  15. Marty

    trans cooler

    You could put a filter inline on the return side.
  16. Marty

    Fuel system

    Let me know if you want to look at my setups. I have an A1000 system. Comes with pickup, prepump 10micron fuel/water sep and post pump 2 micron post pump. I can set it up however you want.
  17. Marty

    Swamps 400/400's for sale

    Buy these then sell yours.
  18. Marty

    Swamps 400/400's for sale

    Cell - 443.553.9234 Shop - 410.392.3262 [email protected]
  19. Marty

    WTB Super Duty Exhaust Manifolds

    Meant to say 99-03 7.3.

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