Isn't the 05 - 07 fuse panels the same? Wouldn't they have to have different fuse panels to have that seperate door wire harness?
Isn't the 05 - 07 fuse panels the same? Wouldn't they have to have different fuse panels to have that seperate door wire harness?
I didn't know that I thought it was . Well we will see when I get my truck. I have my confidence and my fingers crossed. I have seen people selling the rubber piece that seperates the door and the firewall for sale. And the dates thaey have listed is for 00-05 I know that's the rubber piece but maybe that's a good sign. Maybe they changed it when they put the new detachable harness in.
The 99-01 trucks have a entirely different operating system that controls their interior functions. Anything you did on the interior of that truck forget about using on the 08
What do you mean anything I did forget about using on the 08 swap? On the 01 ? I'm not doing a 08 swap on the 01. Or do you mean the 06?
I am doing the mirrors also. It has to do with the thread. And I haven't got my truck back. Tsd dynoed it today and it wasn't making the right horse power. They figured out it was the thumper hpop. So since "I don't have my truck" I can't put the panels in.... So I have to do things like the mirrors and stuff like that. If I could install the panels I would