Gare...that's bout right. Nice kick in the a$$ for sure. straps, full weight, full air in the tires, etc. I do really want a reg cab now. I'm trying to get Matt Kelley to sell me that maroon reg cab he fixed up lol
Did you strap the front end lance ? Good for a .10th , 13.0 is getting it done!!
I know this is off topic but When you strap the front end what exactly you hooking to with the straps ? and my assumption is this helps the front end from lifting up on the launch
I hook the straps to the frame and wrap them around the radius arms. Helps a ton from the front end hopping
I know this is off topic but When you strap the front end what exactly you hooking to with the straps ? and my assumption is this helps the front end from lifting up on the launch
:whs:and have someone stand on the front bumper