Power Hungry
Thanks for all the great testing info.
Whats hard to understand, is the fact that these 2 runs had the same max boost psi, only 2 ebp psi difference, and the same max egt's, but yet a 24hp loss. I would love to hear everyone's theory on why the loss of Hp & Tq.
Thanks again for all the time put into this.
Honestly, I'm rather curious as to the reason for this myself. I'd have expected to see some loss of boost to coincide with the change in EBP, but really didn't see it. I know there's a big consideration in regards to the spooling characteristics and how that carried into the power curve, but once spooled it really shouldn't make all that much difference. Keep in mind that I am using a mechanical boost gauge to measure the boost and it's only as accurate as my videos of the gauges and what I see when I'm running the truck. I *could* be a pound off here or there but still think the data we've seen is still quite accurate. The overall thing is the dyno plots and they unequivocally show that the configuration we ran suffered a significant performance loss.
I'm still cruising through the datalogs and processing the information to see if there is anything else that may explain the difference in power output, but as of yet I have no reasonable explanation. All I can say is that when we put the 38R back together, the power curve returned. If anyone has any interesting theories, I'd love to discuss them.
Take care.