4 link suspension


May 18, 2011
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southern cali
I have said this in a few other threads. But It really bothers me when everyone sits here and says that changing from stock, to a 3 link, 4 link, ect stopped there bump steer. It is not possible. No if's an's or but's about it. There is not a single way possible that changing front to rear facing control arms of any type can have any effect on bumpsteer.

I feels its a case of everyone wants to think it helps because you just spent a bunch of money on something.

Bumpsteer is caused by bad geometry between the side to side track bar and the drag link in the steering. The only way possible to not have ANY bump steer is to have the track bar and drag link the EXACT same lenght and on the EXACT same angle. Which is almost impossible in most cases.

As far as a parallel 4 link, vs a 3 link ( the two we are comparing here). There is really not a huge reason that makes one better than the other. The only main plus to the 4 link is it gives you the option to add some extra strength with the extra arm. That being said. A 3 link can be built more than strong enough.

One more thing to clear up. The factory set up is not a 3 link. It is a radius arm suspension. A radius arm suspension has two lower trailing arms plus a track bar. A 3 link has two lower links, 1 upper link(completely seperate from the lower links), plus a track bar. A 4 link has 2 lower links, two completely seperate upper links, plus a track bar.

I was thinking the same thing.

I would think if bump steer was an issue the area of concern would be the trac and drag link bars. There are kits that address this issue with the trac bar.


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May 18, 2011
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I was thinking the same thing.

I would think if bump steer was an issue the area of concern would be the trac and drag link bars. There are kits that address this issue with the trac bar.

I agree totally although I am not one of those that paid a ton for my 3-link (bought used) nor am I a product pusher (only pmf product I own nor have I ever talked with Trevor) BUT everyone that has driven my truck agrees 100%...sense the 3-link went on there is a night and day difference in the control of my front end.


May 18, 2011
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southern cali
I agree totally although I am not one of those that paid a ton for my 3-link (bought used) nor am I a product pusher (only pmf product I own nor have I ever talked with Trevor) BUT everyone that has driven my truck agrees 100%...sense the 3-link went on there is a night and day difference in the control of my front end.

Not saying that a 4 link or 3 link won't improve drivability, shoot, after seeing Mikey's OUO's I'd love to have a set.


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Jul 16, 2011
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Have you drivin a truck with ala's or a pmf 3-link?

Nope. But that means absolutly nothing.

I do believe that it will greatly help the driveability of the truck. And it will with out a dought help control axle hop. It will also have an effect on anti-dive (what the truck does when you apply brakes) It will not in any way change bump steer. And anyone that actually knows what bumpsteer is, and what causes it. Will agree with me 100%.

I have built many 3 links, 4 links with a track bar, and double triangulated 4 links which do not use a track bar. I have changed, adjusted, used different arm lenghts, different axle and frame side seperation, and personal saw the changes everyhing made. From street driven rigs, to all out competition rock crawlers.

Its not hard to make something better than the factory radius arms. It takes a lot of thought to make something really good. When I find the right joint/ bushing that I want to use. I will link the front of mine. I personally cant stand clicking, banging, squeeking, and constant up keep. Currently the factory set up does everything I want and need it to.


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Jul 16, 2011
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no more so, or less than with any other set up. It would not hurt on any truck though.


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Jul 5, 2011
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Ive been kicking around the idea of 4 linking the truck using the ballistic fab uniball setup(johny joint) i would be removing the factory rubber joints in the axle and welding the uniball casing in place. Theres a rebuildable setup that is meant to see that type of use


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May 18, 2011
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I went from aggrivated, to laughing, to just having a headache after reading that lol. "some" good info there though.

Yes definitely, some of the best threads are like that. You just have to filter it a little bit... LOL

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