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Has anyone seen mileage gains with DPF-on tuning?
Has anyone seen mileage gains with DPF-on tuning?
My truck never really looses mileage in a Regen...
Are you guys going by what the computer says or are you actually calculating it to get a real number?
If I lose .2 mpg im shocked.
Only way I can tell its in a Regen is the little instant economy meter won't go all the way up to 30 while coasting.
Regens are a non issue on my new truck...
Agreed. Even towing I dont feel a change in power.
When I was working at Diesel Tech Magazine we were dyno testing a 6.4L when they first came out with a couple different tunes. The truck went into regen while strapped, so we tested it while Regening and once after (stock programming on both). Truck was down 72hp during regen.
Complete difference between 6.4 and 6.7 regens.
I could tell a power difference before the truck needed a Regen. Like when the dpf would soot load I could tell it was down on power.
New truck... Not so much
Where do I buy the single turbo kit for my new 6.7 i heard there was one out
I don't doubt that one bit.
I swear every time I hit a hill the bastard would regen. Im sure the audible noise from the 6.4 made it more noticeable to everyone.
I feel the time in between regen cycles has greatly increased over the 6.4. Dont you think?
Rivets are the new duct tape.
Confederate diesel, there's a thread on here called "single turbo 6.7" but mpd is talking about putting one out shortly and h&s is working on theirs