7.3 shops for builds in Indiana


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May 19, 2011
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IMO its like most everything mechanical, if you have the time, dedication, and patience most anyone that can turn a wrench can do it. Its not as if you are going to be doing the actual machine work (unless you have that ability) but just the assembly. With a bit of reading on these sites and a few conversations with guys like Jason, Dave, etc

Between here and PSN there is such a wealth of info its amazing if you take the time to look for it. These guys over the years have dropped very good tidbits of info on how to get the most out of these engines when you build them. That along with also very practical and what might seem common sense to a experienced builder but would be missed by a a first timer. Such as the correct orientation for connecting rods front the rear. ;)

I plan to build my next engine myself. It will be the first diesel I have ever done by myself.


May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
Hey Hotrod, where did you get the motor built on your red SD? I am looking around for the same thing here and I am in the Chicago Burbs.

TyCorr nailed it. I built it it myself - I sourced all the machine work through a variety of shops depending on what I needed done - but I knew what I needed to end up with and shops got very specific instructions on what tolerances and where I needed to be when it was done. But my build wasn't any where near by the OEM repair book... it is a specific combination of parts and clearances that work as a unit - for instance - I can't remove my heads and install them onto another motor and expect anything other than a catastrophic failure - same goes for putting "stock" heads on the build short bock.


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May 18, 2011
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Farmersville/Dayton, Oh
ive called danville twice asking them to do work for me and they said no and they werent interested....

I've seen their work before, and its no surprise that they prolly have enough D-max work that they don't wanna mess with our stuff. I popped the hood on a friends truck and besides the green S300 charger, it looked stock under the hood and was squeaky clean. Rumor has it, it put down over 900hp on fuel, all work done by Danville. I bet if you painted the charger black and had somebody that was new to the diesel scene they'd think it was a stock truck.
Feb 12, 2012
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Richmond IL
"My question is...Sideaction do you run a shop? Curious because with advertisement like that...... You are going to the top QUICK!!!!!!! "

Yeah been doing this for about 7 years or so on my own as Side Action or AKA my side work..... and also have had a bit of help form dave an jon at swamps along the way. I am also the service writer and head tech for duramaxtuner. Like Tarm and Jason have stated there is a lot of ppl that can pick this up like it was walking ... but some just simply lack in the patience department and can just simply look over something as simple as valve clearance or any simple thing .
good luck with the build bud .:fordoval:


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Feb 5, 2012
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Little Rock, AR
My motor just showed up friday, and already tearing it down to do a build by myself. This is going to be my first diesel build, but I feel pretty confident in this build.


New member
Apr 7, 2012
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Plainfield, IL
Patients ia not a problem, neither is attention o dtetail. My thing is when it comes to the piston to valve clearances and all of that dealing with the heads and clearances, im lost. I also would be a little nervous about putting the rods on the crank and doing all of that correctly. I just need to learn more from people like you tarm and you hotrod. Tools and stuff is not the problem for accuracy. I juat dont want to apend all that monwy just to have a catostrophic failure right away.

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