To prevent the engine block from fracturing at the main registers, & prior to machine work, the cylinder block will be cleaned and filled with HardBlok. During the block-fill curing process, we will install BHJ deckplate(s) and main caps & girdle to pre-stress the engine block in a simulated 'assembled' condition. This step simulates an 'assembled' condition, so that the block cylinder bores & mains are held by the block filler once cured. This 1-2 week process ensures that all machine work done to the block will not change nor distort dimensionally after machine work and assembly. A 2" void in the top of the block (the hottest area where combustion occurs) will be left unfilled to allow for adequate coolant circulation through the block. We have dozens of filled blocks being daily driven as street trucks, and have seen no compromise to the engine, even when used for towing applications.
While we do use a sealant to seal the HardBlok from contaminating the cooling system, we do recommend a coolant filter.