New member
it's just to easy. #puckslutsftw
But like I said in the picture post. Haters gonna hate. Thanks do proving me right.
Hahahaha you're such a douche.
Lol white knight.... Must get you a lot of cok.....
Lol white knight.... Must get you a lot of cok.....
Did they charge you more for the letters to not be straight? Or did the guy who cut the sticker see the cok loving stacks, rusted out bed, maypop tires, and oil draining back from your hpop and be like..."tss..i got this bruh!".
What the *** is your deal? hpop, cancer eating the body off the frame, an hpop that can hardly run the truxk, and you are pre-occupied with getting stickers made and your "bullhauler", or "aussie", or whatever the *** you cawk dumpsters call em these days. This is why I DAILY contemplate selling my truck, and buying a gasser. To get away from the camo wearing, hooey hatted hillbillies that are ruining these trucks.
Mad? Hardly. If you didn't want coolant jokes, you shouldn't have bought a 6.0. But, given the fact you've become quite the IDE, I figure you'll have any and all problems diagnosed, and fixed..without pulling the cab..before they become a problem.