Those dimensions are pretty close but need to bump them up a touch, especially since you will be tight on the top and bottom depth anyways. So width should be 60" which will gain you a good bit of volume, then top can be 17.5" I think, I don't think the top can be 5", I think it is more like 3" and then the bottom I think you can max at 8" but its been about 3 years since I measured up behind the rear seat. I know my amp rack maxes out pretty much all dimensions and if it were a sub box the subs would have to be recessed so as to not hit the seat.
You can get a little more depth with some creative workings around the rear cab vents too. What I did was trim them off with a dremel, then they were only a 3/4" bump form the back wall.
What sub are you looking at running?
there is really not much room at all behind the rear seat in the 04+ crew cabs, you are pretty much limited to a MAX 2.25ft^3 and a MAX of 5.5" of mounting depth for an 8" sub. Might be able to squeeze a little more using fiberglass rear wall or other creative touches.
If you are still looking at some ported boxes then check out these calculators.
For L-Shape ported boxes,
For Aero ports,
Aero ports require half the port area and take up less internal volume too.
If I remember right you want 12-16in^2 of port area per cubic foot to avoid port noise.