One additional thing. I also used some ratchet straps to attach the cab to the lift arms to make sure the cab doesn't go anywhere unexpectedly.
great move! especially with a reglar cab they can be a little tipsy.
one thing we do on the ebrake cables (they just suck, no way around it). on some of them they have a little dimple pushed in on the connector that makes it really tough to push the cables into it far enough to seperate. get a tiny drill bit and just drill that dimple out from the back side. then do like ross said and set the ebrake, clamp the cable and release it and itll come apart much easier. you wont have to fight it as bad or pry it apart with a screw driver.
another thing weve been doing on some year trucks is pulling the brake cylinder out from the hydro boost. keeps from having to get all of the brake lines started and doesnt get air in the system.
everyone has little ways of doing things differently and to their preference, and no way is wrong or right. this thread will be great for people to see all the different ways to do things so theyll be more confident in doing it themselves.
So when are we getting the nitrous install writeup Danny?