New member
I know the guys doing stud and blower installs on C63's are using 500F silicone. Granted they are sealing at the top of the stud. Not sure how well it would work in our application.
Tony, in your case I would try the wicking grade locktite. You can clean the hole with solvent, install the stud and then put the blue wicking grade in and it will work down around the threads. Little better sealer for the hole that you know already leaks. Fill the threads up so it is covering them.
keep us posted on how this works...
I have some reservations about the thermal differential from one side of the cyl bore(s) to the other causing bore distortion and lack of piston ring sealing. (assuming you are just filling more (or only) on the 'valley' side of the cylinders.
another option we will be exploring will be these:
we've used these in the past (not as a repair), but to allow for installation of larger diameter taking a 7.3L block from 12mm studs to 14mm problems (just lots of machine work & labor)
I was thinking we need to start a thread to see what block castings are ones that failed and year of truck with stud brand number so we can keep track.
i really really hate to be the one bumping this thread.....
1200 miles after stud install
What's going on Ron??
Cracked block i assume. it didn't pressurize the coolant at all. i changed the oil 1.5 weeks ago, everything looked good. two days ago i noticed a coolant smell and clear liquid leaking from my ccv reroute hose. i checked the oil fill cap and there was an off white color jelly and the coolant reservoir was empty. i have parked the truck and wont get into it for about a week. depression is on the horizon...
Cracked block i assume. it didn't pressurize the coolant at all. i changed the oil 1.5 weeks ago, everything looked good. two days ago i noticed a coolant smell and clear liquid leaking from my ccv reroute hose. i checked the oil fill cap and there was an off white color jelly and the coolant reservoir was empty. i have parked the truck and wont get into it for about a week. depression is on the horizon...
This sucks! Sorry to hear man, I know much time and money goes into these builds.....
May only do it when hot.
that's what i was afraid of. aside from a new shortbock, what are my options. we have had the block heater plugged in all day to try and get some temperature to it.
Mine leaked coolant with the motor hot and cold. Watched the coolant steadily drip out of my oil plug. Pick up blue devil or BG 511 and run it through the cooling system. After flushing my system with blue devil coolant level hasn't moved in 2 months.