Track times yet Lance? LOL
You do realize that this truck will more than likely never see the track other than driving to it. Lance is way to big of a Blue Waffle to actually race the truck! :moronspointlaugh:
no....apparently JJ blocked me on fb because I called him a twat but other people saw it and told me. I just don't care though.
and tony is probably right.... I need to maintain my domination as the world's best parking lot racer anyways. I'd rather drink and BS with folks instead of spending all day in the staging lanes. it will see the track a few times though
no....apparently JJ blocked me on fb because I called him a twat but other people saw it and told me. I just don't care though.
and tony is probably right.... I need to maintain my domination as the world's best parking lot racer anyways. I'd rather drink and BS with folks instead of spending all day in the staging lanes. it will see the track a few times though
What kinda of price tag does shortening a long bed to a short bed have?
yes...doesn't even really compare
Already have the bed and welder. Didn't have trouble making sure it was square? Did you plate the frame where it was welded back together. Sorry for the derail.
you can't fit in itoke:
you can't fit in itoke: