Those EGT's aren't high at all. Did you ever do any monitoring pre-DPF delete? EGT's will sustain 1,000-1,200 degrees during a regen. These motors were designed to handle a good bit of heat. I wouldn't worry too much about the heat unless you start seeing 1300-1400 sustained. As for the boost pressure, it's pretty much unavoidable with these trucks. The nice thing is that the turbos can handle both the heat and high boost pressure. Obviously the big concern is the head gaskets. I've never heard of anyone blowing head gaskets with the 210 to date so if you did happen to blow them towing with that file, I would be very surprised. The nice thing about the 210 files and lower files is that they have the factory safety parameters built in.
As for the bucking, that sounds like touchy throttle to me. It's probably being enhanced by the load behind the truck. If that is the case, your foot is bouncing just enough on the pedal to cause the bucking but at the same time it's not bouncing enough for you to realize it. It could also be due to bad fuel filters. I've even heard that it can be caused by the low pressure fuel pump surging but I don't personally know enough about that issue to say that's your problem.