Foot is feeling much better. Still feels wierd and standing on it for 18 plus hours the last few nights isnt helping. Ive been up since noon yesturday working on this and we fired her up about an hour ago. Gettn some sleep, then have other things going on, but it should be all buttoned up tonight or tomorrow. Im pumped. idles really rough tho, and sounds wierd, but i will judge that once the intercooler stuff is hooked up and i get new tuning.
The hole in the valley worked out good for me, since the turbo drains the oil into that, it was easy pulling that fuel thing and putting my stuff in.
No, I bought a 95 build date motor, dude said 01 van, but looked much older than that.
The compression readings all read lower than 200, with none of them even passing 180ish. I took the worst cylinder and put my injector in it and valve springs, mind you this cylinder was barely hitting 100psi. Tested it with my stuff and it hit 300. So i started swapping stuff over and never checked the other ones. Just kind of hoping it runs long enough to get the other motor fully built. We checked the blowby in the oil cap, and it wasnt blowing any pressure so i hope thats good.
Im tired.