Dyno'd the truck h&S and KEM DPF on


Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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I have about $500 or so worth of software sitting in the bottom drawer of my desk for the last 4 or 5 years that I never even got to use one time because I couldn't get even a single template file from them to ever use it, and even with my never even getting to OPEN the package one time I was still unable to return it...

That has nothing to do with the people at KEM, this was all ancient dinosaur 7.3 stuff, but still, when it comes to software, there's no going back. You try it, you buy it. Or even you take possession of it... you buy it, lol.

The only form of checks and balances is in return sales, and buzz.


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Jun 21, 2011
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Carlyle IL
Small update.

I talked to Mike @ KEM on the phone today for quite a while so I believe we both have a better understanding on what is going on and what needs to be taken care of.

We are going to start off with a new card from a different batch to fix the corrupt file issue, then we will continue to address the other issues, this way I can get him all the information from my truck he needs with out having to worry about it freezing up. It's not going to be an instant fix, but hopefully with time we can get the driving issues resolved followed by the power issues.

Big Angry Hillbilly

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Dec 31, 2011
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Typically, if you approach an issue and act like a dink, that's generally the reception you're going to get in return.

I've found Mike to be nothing but helpful and courteous. Sure sometimes there's a delay in reply, but you have to remember with a small business you are not their only customer.

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