A little update as of right now I ended up swapping 3 and 5 around the knock followed with #5 I pulled the rockers and rods out straight as a arrow minimal wear if any at all. As for the compression test the position of the rockers and the tester it was not going to happen I am going to have to think something up. I am almost positive but some may disagree but I am cool with that it is solely electrical and exhaust leak related. Because the up pipe doughnuts are gone fire wall and surrounding is covered in soot the uvch, 42-pin harness and idm is lacking dielectric grease, heavily corroded and poor resistance/ohms. The main injection harness with the ipr, icp, eot and various other sensors is spliced and or has damage that was poorly repaired when it was performed.
The oil leaks I am experiencing are from the turbo pedestal being improperly sealed or improper gasket possibly and the EBPV seals are shot as well. The harness and idm issue was done by a local ford dealership back in 2009 I have a call/meeting with the service manager to verify and possibly reduce the price of the parts if it is under fords responsibility. I am on the thought process that this engine may have been rebuilt at some point or is a rebuilt replacement because It is lacking a engine serial # and looks to have fresh machining.
I know my #5 inj is shot but since I cleaned all the connections and made sure they have good continuity it runs a lot better blows the cap off now. It could be better needs a few sensors, inj, more fluids, manis upipes and wiring should be good. I keep popping my IC boots I got it back together last night did two and broke a clamp on the third as soon as it lights it pops one usually the hot side now the cold side.