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...did you ever get compression or leakdown% numbers?
No. Could never get more than 10psi out of a hole, tried 2 gauges. Not sure whats up. But since it has 8 pistons, and from the bottom at least, look fully intact and undamaged, and no markings(other than cross-hatches), that doesn't make sense. Talked to a good friend of ours who used to work a lot on diesels, but got tired of em and moved to cars now, said he's seen similar issues. Engines that have sat for a while will show no compression, when they are in excellent shape. But i believe one of our friends has a borescope that will fit in the injector hole, so i'm gonna see if can borrow it this week and check out the pistons before i start assembling it.
The OBS cooling jets are smaller then the SD one's. Not sure when the change was, but I noticed the same thing. I installed RiffRaff's welded jets and thought something was up. So we looked at the three OBS blocks I have and they were the same, the SD block was the larger ones.
Have all of the jets you've seen been pressed/loc-tited in, or have you seen some brazed from the factory?