Breaking Habits
New member
I know. Its wishful thinking. Just being the bearer of brutal news :shrug:
If you want the whistle why not just put a powermax on it? Aren't the specs are about the same as a stock but with ball bearings?
For one. The powermax is a 6.0 charger. For two, they aren't ball bearings. Those morons at sinister started that BS statement a year and a half ago and have been filling people's heads with nonsense ever since. There are NO ball bearing vgts
But the only turbo that will fit in a 6.7 is a 6.7 turbo....
Duct tape, safety wire, jb weld and dryer hose says your wrong!
Is the 66 being tested in any stock bottom end trucks?
So for towing what's the best 15' style turbo to go with. Stock 15', 64,66?