HELP! With No Limit Stage 2 Install


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Dec 31, 2014
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The rant is that someone paid a significant amount of money from a business and expected, when the package arrived, that he would have had the parts necessary to complete the install of what he purchased. That is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

It was equally reasonable when I bought mine, that I would not have had the tube being chewed away due to fitment issues - and in stock form for the '15's, due to the egr hose routing, there were fitment issues that could not be overcome with simple adjustments. So, I too said something.

In my case, Mike got me squared away with a new tube. In the OP's case, he used the stock clamp and Mike acknowledged there were parts-packing issues and offered to get him a clamp pronto.

This in no way makes Mike a poor / unscrupulous business man nor does it make the OP "stupid." There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining and with Mike fixing things quickly, it shows why he carries so much respect in the community.

Frankly, that leaves the real "fail" exactly where it is most deserved.....

I'll catch hell for this Jon, watch. lol


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2012
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The rant is that someone paid a significant amount of money from a business and expected, when the package arrived, that he would have had the parts necessary to complete the install of what he purchased. That is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

It was equally reasonable when I bought mine, that I would not have had the tube being chewed away due to fitment issues - and in stock form for the '15's, due to the egr hose routing, there were fitment issues that could not be overcome with simple adjustments. So, I too said something.

In my case, Mike got me squared away with a new tube. In the OP's case, he used the stock clamp and Mike acknowledged there were parts-packing issues and offered to get him a clamp pronto.

This in no way makes Mike a poor / unscrupulous business man nor does it make the OP "stupid." There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining and with Mike fixing things quickly, it shows why he carries so much respect in the community.

Frankly, that leaves the real "fail" exactly where it is most deserved.....

I'll catch hell for this Jon, watch. lol

i disagree. A simple call or email to mike would've achieved the same result in likely a quicker fashion. i have YET to not get through to Mike when i call. whining about something so minor on a forum is moderatly childish.


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Dec 27, 2011
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Considering what you said about Mike I would say he handled the situation very WELL!!


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Sep 13, 2015
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It's crazy a guy can't ask a simple question without it being turned into this.

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New member
Jun 26, 2015
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It's crazy a guy can't ask a simple question without it being turned into this.

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What's crazy is the same thing keeps happening on here: New users are too damn stupid or lazy to read a few threads and see how the forum works, because they feel everyone owes them something. Like EVERYONE has said on this thread, the OP set the tone of a spoiled little b!tch, who talked sh*t on a vendor who is MORE than helpful.


New member
Jun 26, 2015
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The rant is that someone paid a significant amount of money from a business and expected, when the package arrived, that he would have had the parts necessary to complete the install of what he purchased. That is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

It was equally reasonable when I bought mine, that I would not have had the tube being chewed away due to fitment issues - and in stock form for the '15's, due to the egr hose routing, there were fitment issues that could not be overcome with simple adjustments. So, I too said something.

In my case, Mike got me squared away with a new tube. In the OP's case, he used the stock clamp and Mike acknowledged there were parts-packing issues and offered to get him a clamp pronto.

This in no way makes Mike a poor / unscrupulous business man nor does it make the OP "stupid." There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining and with Mike fixing things quickly, it shows why he carries so much respect in the community.

Frankly, that leaves the real "fail" exactly where it is most deserved.....

I'll catch hell for this Jon, watch. lol

You catch hell because you've yet to put a post up that doesn't make you look like a 18 year old who thinks the world owes them. You think a "perfectly reasonable" reaction is to call a vendor a CROOK and then cry more when everyone jumps the OP's sh*t. There is a time to blow someone up on the forums for shady business practices, and this was not one of them. But by all means keep jumping on threads and acting like your sh*t doesn't smell.


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May 24, 2015
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Salem, Missouri
I will say this. I've dealt with all lot of different parts over the years ranging from diesels, motorcycles, Atvs, race cars, etc. Eventually someone along the line messes up. We are all human and make mistakes. Not once did I ever complain over a forum or website about the vendor that sold me the parts. You never know when the next time when you need help that guy probably isn't gonna give you the time of day. When they do mess up I call them personally to tell them what's going and 9 times out of 10 it usually gets taken care of. Calling a vendor or should I say one of the biggest vendors a crook is like shooting your self in the foot multiple times. Cause not only does that vendor knows how you treat him but other vendors on the forum see it. And from I see there are a lot of big names out there that I would want to be on their good side cause they have been there where I haven't. Just my opinion....


New member
Jun 26, 2015
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I will say this. I've dealt with all lot of different parts over the years ranging from diesels, motorcycles, Atvs, race cars, etc. Eventually someone along the line messes up. We are all human and make mistakes. Not once did I ever complain over a forum or website about the vendor that sold me the parts. You never know when the next time when you need help that guy probably isn't gonna give you the time of day. When they do mess up I call them personally to tell them what's going and 9 times out of 10 it usually gets taken care of. Calling a vendor or should I say one of the biggest vendors a crook is like shooting your self in the foot multiple times. Cause not only does that vendor knows how you treat him but other vendors on the forum see it. And from I see there are a lot of big names out there that I would want to be on their good side cause they have been there where I haven't. Just my opinion....

^^^ This

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