Yeah Matt wants a stock run and one of all four of his tunes. Im going run the hd300 also. Im anxious to see what it runs. I'll get track times in March at rudy's event.
When I first got my 6.4 and was running the KEM 210 it would peg leg alot, after I started running gearhead hot street/race, it always spun both tires. I was very confused but one of them things I didn't even want to ask questions, just went with the flow LOL.
OP you can't go wrong with either, I will be having this debate with myself also when it comes time to tune my 6.0. And running a big tune is always a risk to blow HG's, or a transmission. Just one of them things, you gotta pay to play so be prepared for it to happen! :toast:
I just got the idp extreme x tune, had gearheads package (tow-street-hot street-race)
I think the extreme x is slightly faster than race, it does feel that way but the pedal isn't as linear and isn't a smooth as Matt's race tune so far, perhaps the xtreme x's non-linear pedal makes the truck feel faster... I have dyno'd my truck on Matt's race tune already and I am going back to the same Dyno with the same mods on feb 23rd and ill test xtreme x.