Mine kind of feels the same way now. Almost like its running on less cylinders or something. And the idle roams up and down. When the AE gets here i recording a good bit of stuff. The cold starts a very very rough now too.
Put some videos up of your truck running Nick. Lets see what she got.
I have a video of my truck starting up with the old tuner. And i will take one tomorrow with the new. Not saying anything bad about either, but you can tell a clear difference. I have faith in the new one coming through for me tho.
Well when I shut the truck down tonight I heard the turbo hitting the housing. Guess its time to drop on that van turbo. What will I need to drop it in?
I believe I got mine for 80 bucks a few years back. You can find them used sometimes, but without one your downpipe isn't going to fit. The best thing is, it deletes the ebpv.