well guys, while I'm overall pleased with my current s362 & stock stick setup in a daily driver setup, and my tsd tunes are by far the best ive had yet, I just really hate feeling like I have to baby sit to the extent that I do to keep on the turbo while towing. or say trying to pass even at say 60mph in od its just not even there... the thing makes flat out impressive power, and if I go from a dig to say 1/2 to 3/4 throttle the charger is there and stays pulling the entire way up. Knowing a bump in injectors and fuel pump would help a lot, that's just gonna put me into the "need a built trans" relm. and Meh... not really trying to be there any time soon. While going fast in the truck is great.. its my only vehicle, and gotta keep it tame. Ill buy another mustang for a toy in the near future.
With all that being said, the truck still needs to be "fun" to drive, While towing great. I'm picky in the towing department... And after countless Hours reading whever I can find forums talking about the 1.5 I Decided to pull the trigger and get a 1.5 comin. Working with a local shop (sob performance) to get it and tunes comin, (yes I could go direct, but supporting a local/buddies business any time I can is what I try to do).
driving joeys (I think hes 94broncodude on here) 68mm vgt with 190/30 injectors, and it being more right there even in stop and go light throttle than my 62 definitely prusuaded me that much more. And my few buddies with stock stock trucks.. I jus miss it lol.
I feel that the 1.5 will still prob use every ounce of the stock injectors. Or at least should be damn close. Although I'm not expecting the same pull I get locked up in direct with the 62..
Heres to hoping the turbo gets here fairly quick, as I'm excited. lol
oh and the whistle. kinda miss that too. hahah