I could, but bottom end warranty would be out the window from this point on. Not only that, but at what point do you draw the line? I wouldn't personally throw in fancy rods unless I could pull out all the stops on a full build. I like where this is headed anyway. Upgraded turbo, and everything internal stock. This combo should run great for a very long time with a little common sense on the throttle. When that gets boring, build a nice short block and trans, then drop them, along with all the bolt-ons in at that time.
Regarding the warranty; The cause of this motor's failure had nothing to do with power output. it spun either #3 or #7 rod bearing, and it's match on the journal failed. Probable cause is insufficient bearing crush, allowing it to spin. Funny thing is, this was never a problem on the old power strokes back when they had bearing locator tabs, but that's a discussion for somewhere else. 3 & 7 rods got roached, and the crank has pretty deep grooves there. aside from trash passed into them, adjacent rod bearings look flawless. Erik's got great service records including full synthetic 5w40 in the last 20k+ miles. Top end looks great. No extended pulse width burn marks on the pistons either. It's not my call, but I see no reason to pull warranty when there are no signs of abuse. Seems to me that not honoring the warranty here would be like not covering the radiator because it has traction bars. :shrug:
Don't get me wrong, If its a ford defect Ford should stand behind it regardless. When you have a bottom end failure on anything other than a stock truck its hard to justify whether or not it should be warranty. This is obviously you and the dealerships call. I am not looking at the parts but it appears that this might have happened even to a stock truck... so I'm good with it. I am just stating that he has gone to great lengths knowing the truck has been modified.
Thanks for tangible info Wayne... mucho helpful