I had a '12 that was put on a diet w/ the mm, g3arhead tune, 5" exhaust, egr, NL intake etc.
It ran like a raped ape and got 18mpg doing it at 80mph. Towed a big toyhauler like a champ too.
Great. Only thing I didn't like is that it was real hard on tires

Maybe a left foot problem.
Wifey had a wreck with it and I worked my way out of the '12 into a '16.
Still have all the hard parts, but obviously I'll need a tuner & tune for the '16.
The best my '16 gets is 13mpg
However, lots of posts on bookface about the EPA cracking down on trucks like ours. Sending owners in for inspection and all kinds of nonsense. Way I see this, it's only a matter of time before there's some lottery and a letter from the EPA which says 'go get it inspected' or else...
I remember from putting all that stuff back on my '12 that it was not a fun job, that and I got the $3000 prize heater problem code too.
So, good reasons to diet, good reasons not to diet. I would propose we talk about the non-diet options.
I think I'd like to get the NL intake and a hotside/intercooler pipe on the truck at minimum (yes, the intercooler kit I have won't work unless I diet.) Truthfully I'd like one of the 'replace all the pipes' kit, but as I understand it these are only for dieted trucks.
I see 5star has a 90hp / 180TQ tune. But they are using either a proprietary tuner or an obsolete one. No good tuner option with them IMHO.
There's a couple other new to the 6.7 game tuners like Superchips and Duramileage, but I hesitate to be a guinea pig for them.
I think the ezlink even though pretty spendy is the right choice, but I could be wrong.
I now yield the floor to those with more experience on this subject.