Looking to reduce some drive pressure...


In the Brig (Banned)
May 18, 2011
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Maybe Eric could answer this, as Kevin asked it in a PM, and I took at shot at answering it...

This video was shot in 2wd...rolling into it. When the back tires broke loose, the speedo is moving almost as fast as the rev needle.

So it flies through as many gears as possible, until that magic number of "60 mph" is hit on the speedo, and it locks up into OD. This is where it bogged down in the video.

I don't think anything is wrong with the transmission, or tuning...it's being told that the truck is moving at 60 mph, and to goto lockup.


ill bet you money lockdown and 6th are hitting together,causing to large of a rpm drop. i got the same issues.

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