Mad turbo werks build::MAD TRUCK

Breaking Habits

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Feb 11, 2012
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Mapleton, Illinois
Adrian do you even realize what you are saying? Why would an inertia dyno skew numbers for 6.0 and 6.4? If you're implying that the dyno not loading the chargers skews results it should be across the board, not just 6.0 and 6.4. And if anything, the 6.0 and 6.4 have an advantage there with vgt chargers.

My truck has probably made 100 pulls on that dyno and every number it's ever made has been incredibly close to the track times. Within just a few hp.

The only thing is that I feel more heavily modified trucks require time to dial in the run on the dyno that mike cannot give at an event. People need to understand, you have a modified truck? Schedule time on a dyno, dedicated to just your truck, where the operator can get things perfect for your truck, and take time to get it in peak mph/rpm. Every vehicle is different. Dyno events are not for dyno tuning, they are for getting a reading based off of what you have with how the operator is running said dyno. My truck is a mother****er to get to load right, because of all the variables and lots of fuel, and takes time to get things perfect


On Da Juice
May 18, 2011
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Wa. State
I can't WAIT to run my piles on Mike's dyno. If my stock whip doesn't crack 675 i'm gonna trash dat muddah hukka! Come on people, it's a g-d dyno. Get in, put it in gear, bring it up on boost and let it eat. We don't need to schedule 15 minute runs to make sure the air is right, temps are good, grass is green. It either performs or it doesn't. If it DOESN'T, then take it to the track and see if it backs up the numbers or blows them out of the water. People have zero complaints when dyno's like Aaron's, hand out big inflated numbers but God forbid they should get a number back with anything less than what all the HP numbers added up on the ad's equals



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May 18, 2011
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Fort Collins, CO
One comment stands out in here, when I read it I asked myself if your the f€cking idiot, a 6L with a stock cam stops making power at 3k. Have you ever had a 6L on the dyno, maybe with your tuner they do, however every truck I've ever dyno'd with innovative diesel tunning has made power straight to 4K. And way more than at 3K. That is all, want nothing todo with a dyno pissing match. Carry on boys

Post some graphs then. I don't recall seeing many 6.0s making a peak number past 3k. I'm not saying it wouldn't make power out to whatever you shut it down at, but with a small vgt like that I don't buy that peak power is much past 3k if at all. I guarantee peak isn't at 4k without cams and big turbos.


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May 18, 2011
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The only thing is that I feel more heavily modified trucks require time to dial in the run on the dyno that mike cannot give at an event. People need to understand, you have a modified truck? Schedule time on a dyno, dedicated to just your truck, where the operator can get things perfect for your truck, and take time to get it in peak mph/rpm. Every vehicle is different. Dyno events are not for dyno tuning, they are for getting a reading based off of what you have with how the operator is running said dyno. My truck is a mother****er to get to load right, because of all the variables and lots of fuel, and takes time to get things perfect

I agree. Pretty much completely. I've never had a truck that dynod very well. I like to drive mine because I know how it acts and I know what works and what doesn't.


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Fort Collins, CO
One comment stands out in here, when I read it I asked myself if your the f€cking idiot, a 6L with a stock cam stops making power at 3k. Have you ever had a 6L on the dyno, maybe with your tuner they do, however every truck I've ever dyno'd with innovative diesel tunning has made power straight to 4K. And way more than at 3K. That is all, want nothing todo with a dyno pissing match. Carry on boys

Pulled this dyno sheet from mwilburs post on the first page of your "post dyno numbers and track times" thread. Not a great picture, but sure appears that the peak number is near 2900 rpm's. it does pull well past 3k, but it drops off hard enough by 4k, it would probably be slower at the track doing so.



New member
May 18, 2011
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The only thing is that I feel more heavily modified trucks require time to dial in the run on the dyno that mike cannot give at an event. People need to understand, you have a modified truck? Schedule time on a dyno, dedicated to just your truck, where the operator can get things perfect for your truck, and take time to get it in peak mph/rpm. Every vehicle is different. Dyno events are not for dyno tuning, they are for getting a reading based off of what you have with how the operator is running said dyno. My truck is a mother****er to get to load right, because of all the variables and lots of fuel, and takes time to get things perfect

Your truck is just a turd

powered by this (╯°□°)╯


On Da Juice
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Wa. State
One comment stands out in here, when I read it I asked myself if your the f€cking idiot, a 6L with a stock cam stops making power at 3k. Have you ever had a 6L on the dyno, maybe with your tuner they do, however every truck I've ever dyno'd with innovative diesel tunning has made power straight to 4K. And way more than at 3K. That is all, want nothing todo with a dyno pissing match. Carry on boys

Two graphs both showing peak at 3krpm.



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Dec 6, 2011
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Carrollton, GA
He ran mine to 3k. Nothing past. I've got graphs I'll post up but my peak is right around 3700rpm's. The main thing that made me mad is how the conversation was handled. I went up to him politely to ask why and got nothing but a pissy response. That's what set me off. I'm gonna leave it at that. I understand many variables could have taken place but not to the tune of 200hp lost. By the time I got the dyno the qualifying was over for the track. I'm gonna take it the track when I get back.

I apologize for the post. After reading it I realized it was pretty much a dick move the way it was posted.


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May 19, 2011
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Platteville, wi
I have seen over a 200hp swing on a dyno by just changing the tires. Especially on the small diameter rollers. What kind of tires do you have?


New member
May 16, 2011
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My truck made sub 500 hp #s on Mikes dyno. I was hoping for more but I know my numbers were legit. I think my truck made about the same power as dozer's drag truck. Lol

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