Mad turbo werks build::MAD TRUCK


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Apr 23, 2012
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Adrian do you even realize what you are saying? Why would an inertia dyno skew numbers for 6.0 and 6.4? If you're implying that the dyno not loading the chargers skews results it should be across the board, not just 6.0 and 6.4. And if anything, the 6.0 and 6.4 have an advantage there with vgt chargers.

My truck has probably made 100 pulls on that dyno and every number it's ever made has been incredibly close to the track times. Within just a few hp.

I wasn't implying anything but that bashing a dyno operator, whether number are right or not is the way to go. I would have stayed on here and posted more replies but I just got done with my truck and building a bunch of turbos. I did say if there is a problem with numbers then take it to the track. As far as I know a 6.0 and even the 6.4 don't do well on a unloaded dyno. That is if the truck is running the vgt setup, the ecm works with the transmission and knows when it is loaded to keep vanes closed to make boost. Now when you go to a non vgt you take the ecm out of the pictures for controlling the vanes so what you make is what you make. The vgt controlled by the ecm is a pain in the a** to get it right, Bill at PHP dyno'ed his truck the night before he left and was tuning for the biggest numbers he could on a loaded dyno. His number ( please just repeating what I was told 570rwhp with 175 stock injectors and a hybrid, not wanting to argue on the numbers ) at Rudy's he hit 405rwhp so which one is right or wrong, take it to the track and find out. Now Bill will take his truck to the track so lets wait and see what he does. Like I said before dyno numbers can be good or bad and are a tuning tool, but track numbers are what the truck can do.

Ok enough with the derail, I finished my truck and took it out to see what it would do. The truck runs very strong, but sadly didn't get a chance to hit it really good. Blew a boot but was well at 40-45 psi when it did, I was getting on freeway on ramp nail down 1/2 throttle and the truck got side ways at 50mph, had to back off bring it up to 70 and crushed it hit 40-45psi of boost and pop. Got it back home and going to hair spray and button everything up tomorrow for another run. I need to get the tune updated running 2 psi of boost at 70mph with 39% VGT duty cycle. Egt's are a little high due to the boost being too low. The difference between the truck before and now is that I have 1.5 mm bigger exhaust valves, lightly ported intake and heavy ported exhaust. So what did I noticed so far, the turbo spools extremely fast, once I get the tune tweaked a little It should really wake the truck up. The truck rides really well now, and feels tighter in the steering. I want to go to Prude dyno event but I might pass on it I have some more things I want to do to the truck and not sure to do it before or after. I have a custom paint job I want to have done to the truck and don't know if it would be done in time.

By the way I know the boot poping is a excuse used before by a ex member that I will not say his or her's name, but really it did pop on me, not saying that it makes near the power of un named ex member, but I will fix it so it won't do it again...........LOL

.......Don't make get my lawyer.................I need gas money........... sorry couldn't resist
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Apr 23, 2012
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yeh yeh, I know I spelled Purdue wrong, too may laughing skull beers. Here's some pictures of the engine bay of the truck.





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May 18, 2011
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Fort Collins, CO
.......Don't make get my lawyer.................I need gas money........... sorry couldn't resist[/QUOTE]

LOL Ok that was funny.


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May 18, 2011
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Cheyenne, Wyoming
Hey Adrian.....good job on the decision making. The dyno was a friggin massive failure. He ran my truck like he was scared. Didn't pass 3k rpm on it so I put down 309hp which is a long ways away from mid 500 where I should be. I confronted him about the bullchit and he pretty much told me to F Off. Never again will I get on Hallers dyno....even if it was free and in my backyard.

Im sorry if any of the guys working there spoke to you in that way. I did not have a conversation with you about the truck. My guy who ever it was that you talked to should have directed you to me. Again I apologize for you getting that response. On 6.0s I generally run them to 3500 unless requested by the owner to go higher. Like stated earlier peak power is generally at 3k rpm. And being as it is a dyno competition, where peak is whats recorded there is no need to go higher, and put unnecessary stress on your motor. If you look at your dyno sheet there is a run number before your hp number. If you can get me that number I will look your graph up and see what happened. Again I apoligize for the response you received. Thats not the way I like to handle things and would have been more than willing to run your truck again to try and get you the best possible numbers.


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Apr 23, 2012
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Here's the newest news for my build. I have been have so weird problems, transmission sometimes will not go into overdrive when I get on it hard. I have to come to complete stop so it will go into overdrive when I drive it again. I truck has also been having a hard time running when first start up of the day. The truck will not throttle up with the throttle pedal to the floor in drive. After a little while the truck will run fine, like nothing happen, untill last night when I lost overdrive and couldn't get it back. I went back to stock and had the tow/haul light blinking, I know I have a code now but couldn't get to it had to go to work. I will let you know what I find, I was told that maybe need a reflash to get the ECM, TCM, and FICM to work together. The ECM was a computer I bought off ebay as a remanufactured computer. The orginal computer gave out on me, so i needed a new one. If anyone ever acuses of my truck being a freak, they would be wrong, it is a typical 6.0 that needs to be messed with to get it to work right. I have to get the truck running right I have some plans for it next week.


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Dec 6, 2011
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Carrollton, GA
Adrian, have you spoken to Bill @ PHP about the possible ECM issue? He knows a good bit about all of that stuff and might be able to help trouble shoot.


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Apr 23, 2012
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No I haven't a chance, but here are all the codes I pulled last night. P0407-egr (egr deleted)ignore, P0480-fan circuit (clutch fan deleted, electric fan now) ignore, P0603-Internal control module memory KAM (tuning of ecm) ignore, P0611-FICM performance ,not sure might be going or might be because of other issues, P01000-OBD system test not complete, not a big deal, P0973-shift solenoid A circuit low, might have something to do with the ECM. So right now I will take the truck and have it reflashed or see if the ECM is no good, after that I will figure what to do.


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Jul 25, 2012
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here ya go adrian straight from the Ford PCED


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May 22, 2011
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Pulled this dyno sheet from mwilburs post on the first page of your "post dyno numbers and track times" thread. Not a great picture, but sure appears that the peak number is near 2900 rpm's. it does pull well past 3k, but it drops off hard enough by 4k, it would probably be slower at the track doing so.


That was on TSD's Super Panty Dropper not IDP's Extreme tunes. Just sayin'. He specifically said that IDP's tunes make power well after 3K so this graph is completely irrelevant.

I know everytime a dyno number is posted there is an argument, but damn. I have ridden in that truck and know for a fact that it is a lot more than a 309rwhp truck, unless the there was a HUGE issue that Nathan would've mentioned. I personally saw it make 530+rwhp on a DynoJet. I hope he gets a chance to take it to the track, but I know it'll be on PHP's dyno in June anyway. Bill's dyno is accurate and has been backed up with several trucks track times. As a matter of fact, the GPDA is holding a Track/Dyno weekend with PHP in June that anyone is welcome come to.

I'm not bashing anyone and I must say that Mike handled Nathan's claim of a disrespectful operator excellent in my opinion and showed a whole new level of class. That's the kind of customer service that people react to. Well played Sir.


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May 18, 2011
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No I haven't a chance, but here are all the codes I pulled last night. P0407-egr (egr deleted)ignore, P0480-fan circuit (clutch fan deleted, electric fan now) ignore, P0603-Internal control module memory KAM (tuning of ecm) ignore, P0611-FICM performance ,not sure might be going or might be because of other issues, P01000-OBD system test not complete, not a big deal, P0973-shift solenoid A circuit low, might have something to do with the ECM. So right now I will take the truck and have it reflashed or see if the ECM is no good, after that I will figure what to do.

I'd prolly head more towards diagnosing the FICM and the shift solenoid on this. I think if the PCM was going out you would be having some weirder issues. Just my .02

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