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Come on Gare. You can't match the raw power of jjs truck
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Come on Gare. You can't match the raw power of jjs truck
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Come on Gare. You can't match the raw power of jjs truck
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Adrian do you even realize what you are saying? Why would an inertia dyno skew numbers for 6.0 and 6.4? If you're implying that the dyno not loading the chargers skews results it should be across the board, not just 6.0 and 6.4. And if anything, the 6.0 and 6.4 have an advantage there with vgt chargers.
My truck has probably made 100 pulls on that dyno and every number it's ever made has been incredibly close to the track times. Within just a few hp.
Nice oil filteroke:
Hey Adrian.....good job on the decision making. The dyno was a friggin massive failure. He ran my truck like he was scared. Didn't pass 3k rpm on it so I put down 309hp which is a long ways away from mid 500 where I should be. I confronted him about the bullchit and he pretty much told me to F Off. Never again will I get on Hallers dyno....even if it was free and in my backyard.
Pulled this dyno sheet from mwilburs post on the first page of your "post dyno numbers and track times" thread. Not a great picture, but sure appears that the peak number is near 2900 rpm's. it does pull well past 3k, but it drops off hard enough by 4k, it would probably be slower at the track doing so.
No I haven't a chance, but here are all the codes I pulled last night. P0407-egr (egr deleted)ignore, P0480-fan circuit (clutch fan deleted, electric fan now) ignore, P0603-Internal control module memory KAM (tuning of ecm) ignore, P0611-FICM performance ,not sure might be going or might be because of other issues, P01000-OBD system test not complete, not a big deal, P0973-shift solenoid A circuit low, might have something to do with the ECM. So right now I will take the truck and have it reflashed or see if the ECM is no good, after that I will figure what to do.