Two people, one holding the wire, the other barring the motor over. Never thought of a straw before, good idea.
Good careful not to bend the chamber portion of your coat a scare out of doing this too myself....recommend some safety wire or a plastic straw instead of a coat hangar
CrowersWhat rods did DI put in the motor?
I had these converted to 400/200's in 2012. Is that when there was a bad batch?
I ran it about 3 miles at around 55 mph.Fingers crossed on the comp much time/miles did it see after it chucked the nozzle?
The turbine wheel on your 38R might be worth taking a look at too maybe?
I can measure the hole in an injector cup I have at the house tonight if someone doesn't get that to you first.
From the numbers (Nozzle, PW, ICP, IPR DC) that have been posted in the recent HPOP thread...I'd think that jr looks good for 250/100s!
I wouldn't say the nozzle failure depends on the injector builders rep as it's not there fault the nozzle is failing.
Thanks, Matt. I called and taled to Ryan and he advised me to send the whole set in to be looked at. I should get them in the mail to y'all by the weekend.Doc, if ya need something give the office a call, we will take care of it. I personally can count on one hand the amount of 200% nozzle failures we have had. Have not heard or know of a "bad batch" that I'm aware of either. 2 years, whatever it is, I'll take care of ya! There is always the possibility you could have got air or a foreign object in there. The fact that it did not idle or run right leads me to think something got in there either from sitting or just a random piece that was in the fuel rail when it sat open.
Got a call from John Wood today. #6 hole lost a nozzle. He's going to do a compression check on it and I'm going to hunt for a bore scope that will fit in the nozzle hole. Anyone know what size hole that is?
Also my HPOP is leaking. Will a HBjr handle the 250/100's?
Turbo will be fine, just coked up.
Good deal!
they were wondering about the nozzle going through,