Calm down, you are starting to sound like you did when you first sponsored up on this forum. If nozzle size controls the bottom end, body size shouldn't matter. If SPOOL UP CHARACTERISTICS is the one constructive thing that can be taken from the statement, take it and let the rest go...
I have every right to point out biased info and defend my products as a paying vendor on this forum. BPD would do the same thing if someone was posting false information about their products. So would no-limit, elite, etc.. etc.. I am not gonna sit there as someone hops in turbo threads and posts biased misleading info about my products, especially when they do it over and over again even though we have talked about it and pointed out that it is misleading info. This is my livelihood we are talking about, my kid's mouth that need to be fed. Just trying to keep the info truthful and relevant.
SPOOL UP CHARACTERISTICS are greatly changed with air filters and intercooler swaps. come on now
TOP END CHARATERISTICS are greatly changed by larger injectors
Add them together and ignore them when describing the difference between two turbos... come one, lets not be naive. I am not sure what you guys are shooting for?
I have personally had customers switch setups because of crap like this on the forums and then contact me afterwards disappointed but afraid to say anything online because of all the fanboys out there that would bash them. People get caught up in the hype kinda like the MTW stuff that was all hearsay from fan boys with no data. If we can't keep constructive data and information out on the forums then what is the point? Maybe we should all keep running the edge attitude stacked with bullydogs and make 700hp with stock turbo/injectors :fustrate:
Sorry for the derail... nobody's products are perfect and there are pluses and minuses to every setup. But dont post mis information over and over again and use it as data to misrepresent a product, and then expect a very active member of the community and this forum to just sit back and let it happen.