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This will leak at an idle, and more so when it's hot. It will drip every 4-5 seconds.
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Don't know but someone needs to be the guinea pig lol
No rear cam plug on 7.3 PSD, covered by the rear block plate. All others good questions though!
EBPV is greasy but definitely not wet. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only time oil is in there is when the valve is closed right?
EBPV is greasy but definitely not wet. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only time oil is in there is when the valve is closed right?
On the wear ring, if you do get a bur on the crank, is that detrimental or can you smooth it out with some Emory cloth? Since I don't have a flywheel center, I can make up a plate that bolts to the crank. Does there need to be a shoulder on it to push the sleeve on past flush? If so how much?
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On installing the rear main seal: Use a seal "package" from Ford or IH. No aftermarket. The seal blots on no issue there, but the wear ring that goes on the crank is tricky. It has to be pressed on straight. I used the center out of an old Dual Mass flywheel and some longer (Metric) bolts to do two of them now, many miles on each no leaks. No hammers allowed to install the ring! To get the old ring off, use a small hammer and "peen" it all the way around to break the locktite and then use a "rolling head" "ladys foot" type bar to pull it off evenly NO BURRS or dings in the crank surface.
On the wear ring, if you do get a bur on the crank, is that detrimental or can you smooth it out with some Emory cloth? Since I don't have a flywheel center, I can make up a plate that bolts to the crank. Does there need to be a shoulder on it to push the sleeve on past flush? If so how much?
On the wear ring, yes you can use a self made plate with about 4 holes in it. Just watch the bolt lenghts so you don't pull threads or bottom out and cause damage. The ring goes flush with the flywheel mounting surface. On the burrs on the wear ring surface, emery or a whetstone to be sure the burrs are flush or below the surface. dings and scratches will fill with sealant, burrs will cause the ring to be out of round and hold it up to allow oil to go between it and crank.