slc dzl
Active member
Ah that makes sense then. Very good to see they got a good home.
Ah that makes sense then. Very good to see they got a good home.
towing heavy, ah i get it "fat chicks" not really my thing but right on buddy :thumbsup:
Don't tell all my secrets
sent while driving recklessly
That's no secret.... We all know the truth lol
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sent while driving recklessly
Really? You send me that like 4 times a week lol
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so do you think the 150's are making you more laggy than if you had smaller nozzles?
I honestly do know yet... The previous owner Loboost had better success with this setup. He didn't have the spool issues I do... I'm gonna triple check everything and make sure I have no leaks on anything... I may have a bad ic allowing boost to leak but I doubt that is the case...
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There is definitely an issue. I ran 150 nozzles with a 366 and it spooled like stock. I think I have some vids on my youtube
In my lower gears it spools great. But up in the high gears it takes for ever... I am on 35s with stock gearing... As long as I'm 1800rpm and above it's spools instantly... Anything below that it's smokey and laggy... Egt are staying in check 1300* wot... I'm just wondering if my bigger tires are putting me under the turbo at cruising speeds... Once it's lit cleans up great little but of a haze and that's it...
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just kick it out of overdrive if you are stuck in low rpm's and need to move out without smoking the road out. Have your tuner write you a tune that makes the tow haul button cancel overdrive. Best thing you can do with a biggish non vgt charger
Interesting. Are you holding ICP? I'm also contemplating going with 205/75s with my BTS 68mm. In to see how you like the nozzles with a 205 body!
So a little update, I'm. Ow running a 366 with 205/150s.... Gotta say I'm not that happy... Seems like is laggy...
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