For guys who have ran Matt's, or other tuners do Justin's compare? I loved Matt's tunes on my '02, and my '00 is in dire need of tunes. I've been good about not modding it, but the bug for more is getting harder to resist . I was really wanting to hold out for tunes from dynoproven, but I may have to give this guy a shot. I was excited when I first heard about his tuning..but now with time passed, and more people running them, it's more convincing.
I've run all three of these plus a few others. Currently have GH and Powerstruck i still flip back and forth on.
Justin's tunes are pretty spot on. Good power , low smoke , nice shifting and the BEST MPG ( hand calculated ) my truck has shown to date when on HWY. My city #'s seems a bit lower than the GH city #'s so if i could take GH's bottom end tuning and match it up with Powerstrucks top end i think i might have a perfect tune for what im looking for.
Just got a reburn back from GH and am going to switch back for a few tanks to make sure its not just the truck seeing better numbers lately as Ive been pretty adamant about additives lately , and not the chip creating the gain. The new tunes i got from GH seem to have a bit more SOP than the old GH tunes did. Powerstruck feels like it may have a bit more overall but i am completely happy with either. Both of them are quiet running and smooth and come with great customer service.
Same as alot of others , i am more interested in shifts , smoke control , lower egt's and MPG than i am trying to squeeze every last bit out of it i can on HP and torque #'s.
The third tuner i had a problem with 11 mpg numbers and was told it was a problem with my truck , searched , replaced a few parts, watched with AE , put old chip back in and the problem went away. Their tunes in the short time i had them were as good , but nothing more than the others I've run. Waited on a diagnosis on the chip but got put off and opted to move on.