No, please do.
I had people tell me that the 6637 filter won't work because you'll suck it in or that it has serious atmospheric pressure drops inside the intake that would cause damage to the turbo. Pretty sure that on an S465 creating 43 psi of boost, it is more then adequate. Unless there is something wrong with my testing methods.
DZChevy uses his dasdaq wired to a sensor on the intake. So I did the same thing, using the Map sensor since it reads in absolute values. The EBPS also reads in absolute values so unless I am overlooking something, I assume it would work.
Would it not?
As for the ebps working properly or not, good luck. I've had sensors that when you turn the key on read 36 psiA. Cleaning the tube, the pass through and also the actual sensor sometimes works but not always.
So, please tell us why it won't work or you shouldn't use it. I never have and this was the first time I ever used the MAP sensor in this configuration as well. This thread was created to have real world data posted to help weed out erroneous information. So go ahead and respond.