That was the first time I had ever used fiberglass, and it turned out great.
Some junk I had laying around....
All controlled by my dream head unit.
It'll be different by the TS race this year. 4 way active, no rear and swapping the JL amps out for the new line from Linear Power. I'm also considering scooping up some old school Linear Power amps and sending them in for freshening up.
I've been talking to Ray at LP and the specs he's sending me are almost unbelievable. His new stuff has everything a Tru Billet has WITH all of their upgrades for 1/2 the price or better. They're still gonna run about 1300 bucks per....but good god are they gonna sound great. I'll pm you my last email from him.
Hey unbroken what are you doing for an alt? And are you running batteries for just your system?
I can tell my dash gauges dim when the bass hits. I have a little over 3000 watts rms though. I'm worried ill fry this kicker with low volts and that would piss me off. And these kickers are power hungry so there not running at full output. I only have the sub amp turned up 1/4 of the way. Dave theres many choices on that website for alts. Mines a 6G i believe but they have a bunch of different 6g's for ford and they dont say what the difference is in them. They do have the best prices iv seen though. I'm worried even there 240amp might not be enough