Anyone know this color? is it just the pic making it look crazy or something? LOVE IT
Ill ask my buddy who sold it to him what the color is. He said it was very expensive paint that's all i know lol. Post it up to dirty diesel's if you want my buddy would nut lol.
Posted it up the other day lol. he emailed it in
Truck looks awesome, he doesn't clean it as much as I would, though. LOL
Pictures before Harley headlights:
Truck looks awesome, he doesn't clean it as much as I would, though. LOL
My daily beater, sorry, the only decent pics I have are filthy.
What paint code is that?
It was actually, had just gotten back from responding to a flipped over truck, (my next door neighbor as it turned out) who thought 4wd was all you needed to drive in the ice.That looks like fun.
Custom made color is what the guy who painted it told me. There is no paint code or actual "color". He still has some mixed up though if anyone is interested.
Custom made color is what the guy who painted it told me. There is no paint code or actual "color". He still has some mixed up though if anyone is interested.