Well, the time has come to admit i F'ed up and to have my trans "professionally" repaired, it is absolutley KILLING me to do this but I'm tired of dickin with it:doh:
Well, i have the trans out and I'm reading my atsg manual, and it says that in every gear but reverse, the forward clutch is "on", so being an amateur trans repair man, I'm guessing there is a problem in that area or the trans? Whether it be oil flow, clutch problems or something else? Anybody have any imput on this theory?
Clearance on the forward and direct clutches was off, both need new frictions, and coast clutch was not installed all the way, which I'm guessing is why it wouldn't downshift out of 3rd in drive, but that's just a guess, maybe Mark can tell me what more
Welp, got new forward and drive clutches, put it all together and back in the truck today, still won't go into first or second in drive and still slips in first
I just dropped the truck off in ocala to be fixed, hop on my scooter to head home, i stop for gas about half way and it won't start back up, blew it up, no tools to see why but seems like no compression, just my luck... now I'm waiting for somebody to come get me, and I'm 30 miles from home, i hate my luck
Well folks, the transmission problem is FIXED!! The problem, i had an E4OD vb gasket instead of a 4r100 gasket and it wasn't getting oil to where it should, f**k me right?