Tuning Software


Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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Does anyone know where a person can purchase tuning software for a 7.3 Powerstroke equipped vehicle?

I have PHP Tune (now Minotaur) but since I haven't been able to buy a new Template/Resdef/RDT file to use on my new truck since first inquiring back in December, despite multiple emails, PM and phone calls I'm just going to ask if anyone knows how a person can Edit and load a binary file to a 7.3 computer these days. I used to be able to, but apparently support for my product has been discontinued.

I would just flat out pay for it all over again and buy "Minotaur" if I actually thought I could begin using it once more.

Anybody? How do you people tune these things now? Bill seems to be out of the game now.


Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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First off. Its good to see you back here again Charles!

From what I gather you are looking for away to write a tune directly to the computer right? No chip as the go between? OR are you looking for the Binary file so you can tune the computer?


Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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First off. Its good to see you back here again Charles!

From what I gather you are looking for away to write a tune directly to the computer right? No chip as the go between? OR are you looking for the Binary file so you can tune the computer?

Chip with standard burner (which I have), flash device like Tweecer (which I have), hydra chip, eeprom flash device through OBD port.... don't care.

If I need to change that end I will. At present I can't even write a program for my own truck as my 2002 auto obviously has a PCM running a different hardware "DPC" code than my 2000 manual I have tuned for years. A new resdef file is the obvious answer. But seeing as that apparently is not going to happen for my software, I am open to any and all suggestions now. Which is a shame because the last Resdef I got from Bill a few years back was spot on, scope-verified on every point I personally checked. But that course of action is not working anymore. After a few months I give up. As I mentioned, I would buy the software package again under the name "Minotaur" if I thought that would help, but the software isn't my problem. It's being able to contact the person that would drag and drop an RDT file into an email message. Which wouldn't change no matter the name at the top of the screen in the tuning software.

At the end of the day I can't tune my own trucks anymore. Time moves on, you invariably need different template files as needs change. I don't seem to have that option anymore. So I'm either looking for a channel that connects my email address to the RDT I need off of Bill's computer, or another channel for tuning a 7.3L powerstroke vehicle.

I have always used DPC421 PCM's because that's the template file I have. I have reached the end of my rope on that one. When I drop the engine from this 02 auto in my 99 I will need a resdef for a 2000 auto, and when I put the engine and trans from my 99 in this 02 I will need a resdef for an 02 manual. At the moment I wouldn't mind a resdef for an 02 auto so I could at least tune the truck as I'm driving it at present. Bill locks the template files to a product registration, otherwise I would have simply run a file from someone else and dropped $250 in the mail to him.

I don't feel like "hacking" in order to get the template file I need as I'm sure Bill will have made it a messy job. Ironic thing is that I would gladly pay him for the things.


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Farmersville/Dayton, Oh
Its a shame the way PHP is running now. Every now and then you hear of a few people customers having customer service issues with a shop. With PHP its more like only a few customers actually get customer service from them. It took me several weeks, and calling several times a day last summer to get Minotaur and my burner set-up. I had all the hardware and everything, just needed a license and a few files from them. They had no issues taking my money the day i called to order stuff though.


Active member
May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
Does anyone know where a person can purchase tuning software for a 7.3 Powerstroke equipped vehicle?

I have PHP Tune (now Minotaur) but since I haven't been able to buy a new Template/Resdef/RDT file to use on my new truck since first inquiring back in December, despite multiple emails, PM and phone calls I'm just going to ask if anyone knows how a person can Edit and load a binary file to a 7.3 computer these days. I used to be able to, but apparently support for my product has been discontinued.

I would just flat out pay for it all over again and buy "Minotaur" if I actually thought I could begin using it once more.

Anybody? How do you people tune these things now? Bill seems to be out of the game now.


Have you tried these communication techniques?


How does Bill Cohron react or explain these business practices to customers in person?

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Chip with standard burner (which I have), flash device like Tweecer (which I have), hydra chip, eeprom flash device through OBD port.... don't care.

If I need to change that end I will. At present I can't even write a program for my own truck as my 2002 auto obviously has a PCM running a different hardware "DPC" code than my 2000 manual I have tuned for years. A new resdef file is the obvious answer. But seeing as that apparently is not going to happen for my software, I am open to any and all suggestions now. Which is a shame because the last Resdef I got from Bill a few years back was spot on, scope-verified on every point I personally checked. But that course of action is not working anymore. After a few months I give up. As I mentioned, I would buy the software package again under the name "Minotaur" if I thought that would help, but the software isn't my problem. It's being able to contact the person that would drag and drop an RDT file into an email message. Which wouldn't change no matter the name at the top of the screen in the tuning software.

At the end of the day I can't tune my own trucks anymore. Time moves on, you invariably need different template files as needs change. I don't seem to have that option anymore. So I'm either looking for a channel that connects my email address to the RDT I need off of Bill's computer, or another channel for tuning a 7.3L powerstroke vehicle.

I have always used DPC421 PCM's because that's the template file I have. I have reached the end of my rope on that one. When I drop the engine from this 02 auto in my 99 I will need a resdef for a 2000 auto, and when I put the engine and trans from my 99 in this 02 I will need a resdef for an 02 manual. At the moment I wouldn't mind a resdef for an 02 auto so I could at least tune the truck as I'm driving it at present. Bill locks the template files to a product registration, otherwise I would have simply run a file from someone else and dropped $250 in the mail to him.

I don't feel like "hacking" in order to get the template file I need as I'm sure Bill will have made it a messy job. Ironic thing is that I would gladly pay him for the things.

Charles it sounds like you need the ability to hook the ECM up to your computer to read the Binary file off it. Have you thought about using the QuarterHorse from Moates to read your ECM and make your own Binary file?

You have a PM on the way.

One quick question. Why can you not just swap the computer that way you can keep tuning it? I have used a chip tuned for a 97 computer on a 96 with a different ECM code and it worked. Why could you not do the same?
Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
Its a shame the way PHP is running now. Every now and then you hear of a few people customers having customer service issues with a shop. With PHP its more like only a few customers actually get customer service from them. It took me several weeks, and calling several times a day last summer to get Minotaur and my burner set-up. I had all the hardware and everything, just needed a license and a few files from them. They had no issues taking my money the day i called to order stuff though.

Exactly why I went to nltd. Had a extremely hard time getting ahold of anyone at PHP


New member
Jun 9, 2011
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Surrey B.C.
That's brutal.
Took me a month to get the pmt1 definition.
3 weeks later I bought TDE1 and had it in 2 days :s.

Emailed him a weeks ago about an emulator for live tuning. Haven't herd squat.


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May 18, 2011
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Sounds like a great business model. The usual "oh we are so busy cant respond" vendor response will maybe be coming.


Jan 19, 2014
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Columbus, GA
It's funny because the PHP fan boys will jump all over a DP thread, but they are nowhere to be found when the shoe is on the other foot...
I could care less either way, just funny how it goes...
Last edited:


New member
Jun 23, 2011
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I run php tuning. I think they are great tunes. The business issues currently being brought up in many threads are bad. No defense from me.


Jan 12, 2014
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Defiance, Ohio
I'll chime in here too. I first starting running PHP and yes customer service was horrible and Bill knew that. Personally I think bill is OCD on wanting to control every aspect of his business and doesn't trust anyone else to do a lot of the everyday stuff. Lately, their service has been great on the ORG. Bill is still about impossible to get ahold of.

I still dont run their tunes, but now I have the Hydra I want to try a couple tunes.

This being said, send Jay a PM on the ORG and he typically gets back to everyone within a day or less. Chatham036 is his user.


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Dec 9, 2012
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Bashing is not the intention of my post and I respect Bill. He has forgotten more about tuning than most of us will ever know. So I will vent a little bit.

At first I thought it was a personal conflict with me on my order but now it appears that everyone but a few elite customers get the same treatment.

Ordered Minotaur June 2013. Received it 30 days later. Have been trying to get the rest of the templates that I was charged for ever since. Also ordered hardware for emulation and was charged for it but never received it.

OCD as huCorey said or control freak may be the correct term.

PHP has top notch products and great concepts. But I am growing tired of the games, this squeaky wheel needs greased!

Anyone that has a business has gotten behind and can agree the best practice is usually to stop taking new orders and take care of old business first. And if demand stays that high it is time to raise rates to regulate flow.

If you want to tune your own truck call Delta force tuning. Their customer support is so good it will make you cry. Thank God for Delta force so I can continue to tune.

My dream is to use Clint garrity's software

sent using tapatalk


Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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I actually own a never used copy of delta force. I never used it because they did not use the same format. The files are saved as something other than .bin. I may have to re-investigate.

Once I got PHP tune from Bill I never even thought about the Sniper stuff again.

This just sucks. I don't have time to take a ride up I-85.

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA

I've tried several times since the first of the year to call you now. Your original (AND ONLY) e-mail to me, which I received on 12/16, had originally gone in the junk mail and I didn't see it until we got back in the office in January and I started skimming through it.

Since that time, you've also contacted Shawn about needing some definitions and again, I tried to call you with no success. You have (or had at one point) my cell phone number and I would have no problem with you calling me at any time. However, I have a large number of customers to deal with and can't afford to waste time calling numbers to which nobody answers. Considering that I haven't heard from you in quite some time, it might even be possible that the contact information I have you is not even valid. I don't know...

Anyway, if you're still wanting help, call me directly or call the shop on Monday and ask to speak to me. If not, then that's where we are.

Take care.


Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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He lives!

But seriously. My phone has a call log and I talk to a billion people a day without issue. I also email all day without issue. I PM'd you, then emailed you, then called your office where someone unaware of what a template file is directed me to a website link for a minotaur template. I then called again and talked to shawn who asked for me to email him. I then forwarded my original email to you from two months prior to shawn. I then made one more follow up call to shawn when I recieved your basic don't call us we'll call you speech and tone. So I left it alone hoping it would come through for fear of pissing you all off if I tried any more communication on the same subject. After a few weeks I gave up and since I still need to be able to tune a 7.3, I started a thread asking how that is accomplished in 2014.

If that is something you still support, great. You have excellent templates. Look at either email I sent and drag and drop templates into a reply. I will pay you for them promptly. The end.

If you need more info or need to talk call 678-878-6945. For the last 15 years that is how I'm contacted by phone.

I don't want or need another 2 or 3 month oddyssey. Drag and drop. Whatever amount of encrypting and registration locking you want to do is up to you. Dealer's choice.

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