Looks a little smokey in there...
Really, Nowhere near needing rods? Ive heard rumors of bending rods on a tune and delete, but that's what they were, rumors. I would love for some people to chime in that have popped a rod, and to tell the estimated hp they were at when it happened, and what they were doing. May do better as its own topic. I know doing a run on a dyno probably is easier on the engine that me beating it down the highway.
I said 650+ hp is where I wanna be, and zane said 600+ is what they are shooting for. I would be disappointed to put it together and end up with 550. In my experiences things are never quite as good as advertised. Not saying that's the way it would be. Im talking rwhp too. Ive seen that get confused before too.
I may be asking for unobtanium, when you figure the lack of smoke im looking for into the equation, I don't know. I've seen some badass 6.4's that didn't smoke a whole lot that had to be pushing 700 the way they pulled a sled. Don't know how they would work on the road though.