ya know, i wonder how many ppl that are really "in the know" about compounds, read this daily, and just smile the whole time? they dont offer assistance, just sit and smile as they read.
I've often pondered the same thing....not just on this thread/topic, but others as well.
I've concluded it's combination of the following:
1. The topic has been previously covered, and folks don't want to weigh in yet again, on something that's already out there for the reading...if a fella wanted to do some leg work to dig it up.
2. Limited audience. How many compound turbo 7.3's are actually running....and how many of those have made proven power with a track time/dyno/pulling accomplishment? This thread is looking for knowledge that just a few have actual working experience on. This thread was started a little over a week ago...crap...some 7.3 brains have jobs that might take 'em away from the forums for a month or two.
3. Proprietary knowledge protection. Our 7.3 community is pretty secretive. WOP doesn't publish specs (other than CFM) on their turbos for a reason. Injector builders protect their methods with Area51 like secrecy. Most tuners keep their approaches/philosophies pretty darn close hold. Trying to get cam specs for a aftermarket 7.3 camshaft is a challenge. Folks/shops that have made the investment in time/energy/thought into the proven power solutions for our motors aren't going to give that away by posting on a public internet thread. I wouldn't either.
*IMHO it's refreshing to see Powersmoker and Thuglike post up their recipe for their successes. That will certainly ensure a bunch of folks reach for the next rung on the 7.3 power ladder, and move things forward yet again for our old dinosaur motors.
4. Unqualified audience. As an example...When you have the majority of folks in the thread using incorrect nomenclature for the turbos in a compound turbo system....when the discussion/question comes up of motor exhaust gas routing needs to go through the HP turbo, then the LP turbo....well folks with the knowledge and expertise, are going to shy away from engaging in those discussions, as they just don't care to take the time to square away a topic that is consider basic for the subject.
That said...the name of this thread is Twins for Dumbies, which is why I can post here

So those questions/issue need to be asked and resolved. Nobody was born know that stuff (except maybe Charles). That and the OP has PMRs, so a lot of folks probably didn't take the thread seriously to start....probably why you haven't seen the participation from the sages on this issue.
Treetrimmer/Junior444-If I may...maybe a PM to the smart fellas on compounds asking what stuff should a fella know regarding a "base knowledge" level, to qualify the participants in a Compounds for Pros thread...maybe with a link or two, or maybe a reference (a book) or two to read. You don't post in that thread unless you've got compounds/experience building them, or you have a question, and you've read/accomplished the "base knowledge" stuff....so as to prevent Joe Blow from asking if his 38R could be used as an Atmosphere because he's got a 5" exhaust and done the Hutch mod...
Call it a new sticky if you will, like HRT (the builder of the finest sounding 7.3s known to man :rockon

started for the turbo setup thread, but make it for twin-charged and compound charged setups instead.
Just to be clear...because a forum post misses inflection/intent/the human element, and my point come across like I'm intending...I'm a newbie too.

I post the above, because I genuinely think it's the only way to get the smart guys to post to help us goobers out.
My 2 cents. The next 7.3 compound guy I run into gets to have one on me the next time we meet.
