quick pic i found, of a setup made by Empire.
as you can see, there is no cooling between stages, only between motor and hp.
compressor side. from intake which is now on the left, through the tube to the intake of the hp turbo, through the ic, to the motor. the "plumbing" for that is almost identical to stock, except that the intake is on the left now, as opposed to the right, and another turbo where the air filter was.
exhaust side. from "headers", through up pipes, into hp turbo, out the hp turbo, to the atmo turbo, back to the regular down pipe. you can see the various gates there as well.
its unclear in that pic if they retained the A/C or not, though its been said, that if you mount on the ac bracket, and relocate the pass battery, there is enough room to keep the ac for summer use. though i suppose the size of the atmo would also dictate that as well.
it would be a viable option, as well, to relocate both batterys to the pass frame rail, put the atmo turbo up front on the ac bracket, and instead of putting the atmo straight into the hp turbo, putting a air to water ic where the drivers battery would be. using that pic as a general, plumbing that would not be that much of a hassle. as the odds of another air to air is slim to none, on the amount of room we have up front.
it would save come confusion, if you would not call them primary and secondary turbo's. im not convinced you have them right. atmosphere and high pressure turbo are the more common "labels", and a monkey could not confuse which one is which.
just thought i would throw that out there.
discuss away.
