Where would the best place be to take a reading of the coolant temp? Reason I'm asking, I have the sensor for my E-clutch in the driver's head at the rear. The coolant gauge sensor is by the T-stat. I see a difference of 5*-10* between the two sensors. The sensor in the head reads cooler. Could it be a variance between the sensor, possibly.
I have a 192* degree t-stat and oil temps are in the 200*-210* range. Working the motor while towing and pulling hills, oil temps and coolant temps hit 225*. Once the coolant temp but cool down, so do the oil temps but a slower rate.
Billy T.
[email protected]
So if I understand correctly when running at a steady load you are holding in the typical range for coolant to temp but under a very heavy fully loaded engine both your oil and coolant temps rise to 225 F and then oil comes down slower than coolant?
That sounds correct to me. Oil always takes longer to warm up and thus also to cool down. Those temps are well well within the oil performance temps. Have you noticed at what coolant temp does the jet engine of fan lock up and start to roar? Also what temp does it seem to cut off and get quiet again?
You are just a few degrees over where the tstat should be opens fully. I have always questions just how accurately testing Tstats in a pot be it water or even proper coolant solution. Its a good test to ensure function but IMO not to accurately coolant temp to how much the tstat opens until its fully open. The reason is you do not have any of the coolant pressure against the tstat that you do from the flow of the coolant pump in an operating engine. Never bothered to test it or even do much research as I have not really had issues.
To me those numbers look fine but things to always consider are how old is your oil cooler and have you been running a bypass coolant filter. If not you have to consider how much if any could it possibly be clogged with sediment.
If not the orig owner was distilled water always used? Could have mineral deposts.
Is the Tstat a Motorcraft Tstat? I have not had good luck with STANT. While they have a big name I have had more issues with their tstat and seen plenty of others as well in few different engines that I have stayed away from them for the last gosh almost 20 years. Damnit I am getting to be an old fart.