Got the window net mount done!
Its tucked really close to the bars for head room getting in and out. I left enough room for the actual net webbing to fit though.
Got almost all of it welded on the top where it matters. I also got the parachute release mount done.
with the chute open
With the chute closed
its starting to get come together.
I got hammertone Gray in a can and LOVE how it came out. Not quite silver, but light enough gray to show somebody that there is business inside the car.
Here is with the cable attached and the switch panel put in place and the roof sat on. It looks awesome the paint color does.
In that last picture that weld doesnt look so hot, it was a larger gap to fill, but also i ran out of argon and couldnt figure it out so i kept welding...
I am super pleased and ready to stick the roof back on completely. But the headliner is outof stock and I have to wait for a new one of those before I stick the roof on.
Mini tub stuff should be here this week, so next weekend that is probably what I will end up doing.
Its starting to get there!