Well I still haven't been able to get my blinkers working, and I think I created a whole new set of problems trying to troubleshoot the blinkers. I did the steps Dave suggested with the exception of the flasher switch voltage check, I will try and get more of the dash apart so I can check voltage on the connection tomorrow. I thought it would be genius of me to try and jumper across the connector that plugs into the mfs and see if I could get my blinkers to respond, I should have thought this out.... I tested the connectors and thought I had a pretty good idea of which was which, I was wrong. I had actually tested the connections going to the wipers and as I soon found out they don't go straight to the wipers, the go to the g.e.m. first. When I jumpered across it I didn't hear the blinkers, but I smelled a burning plastic smell, which I think was me frying me gem module (which is redundant). I checked all of the fuses and even tested the relays, everything is good, so it looks like I am going to be out several hundred bucks for a new/used gem and still have to blinkers, but on a happy note I adjusted my parking brake, it now works.