KC Turbos is with Full Force Diesel Performance Inc.
7.3 injector testing… who is king when it comes to 180/30 vs 205/30 (aka conventional vs hybrids injectors). Why pay more for hybrids? The results might surprise you.
Big shout out to Full Force diesel with all their help on this project so far, their injectors have been flawless!
Mods: KC 63/73/.84 turbo, CNC fab S2 hpop, 4 line feed kit, walbro fuel pump, BHAF air filter.
180/30 - 471hp and 1046tq. Only holds 2300 - 2400psi of ICP at WOT on max PW tune. Holds fine on any tune under 4.0ms
205/30 – 504hp and 1093tq. Holds a rock solid 3200psi of ICP at WOT no matter what tune is ran.
What is interesting is that that 180/30 actually spooled up the turbo faster and brought the power on sooner. That kind of makes sense because the 205/30 hybrids are going to run a lower final injection pressure… at least they will compared to the 180/30 until the 180/30 run out of oil.
180/30 - $1395 (won’t hold ICP and most guys end up paying $500-$700 for an upgrade hpop)
205/30 - $1895 (but you don’t need to upgrade your hpop)
So… which would you rather have?
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