Im just here to help guide my nephew. he may not be the best at internet business but hes a talented mechanic, fabrication specialist and engine builder. All self taught. He even teaches his uncle a thing or two from time to time. Holder family is all about supporting each other. I will say the Pictures on the internet seem a little different then what ive seen leave the shop. Maybe we can check them for editing?
Well, I will say that Justin has told me personally that he is no fabricator and admits that. He also hasn't denied any of the images I've posted as work that came from his shop.
I've been asked to hold off on copying and pasting the e-mails I received tonight until he has time to respond and for giggles, I decided I'll let it be for a bit and see what happens. I will certainly post what Justin sent me and oddly enough, it has been somewhat professional.. ish.
Again for giggles, I'm waiting to hear what he has to say publicly and see what happens. Supposedly, he wants to make things right. Again, we'll see what happens.
Now.. I'm not switching sides but more or less just taking a step back and looking at the whole mess yet again. If what he is saying via e-mail is bs which it very well might be, I will say that he is good at it. The bs that is.
Anyways, we'll see.